4 ways hiring a virtual assistant will save you money.

Owning a small business can be extremely challenging, you have clients / customers to keep satisfied, marketing and social media to keep up to date and all the little, menial tasks that just keep adding up! Sometimes it will feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day!

As many people would have told you, this is exactly what being self-employed is about - doing all of the jobs, all of the time. BUT this is just not what you have to do now. Hiring someone to help (namely a Virtual Assistant!) is now an option, whether it’s consistent hours during the week or ad hoc tasks throughout the month. 

If you’re still undecided if you want to take the jump and hire someone, below I’ve listed 4 ways that I can help and benefit. You and your business. 

More Time to Make Money 

You’ve started your business for a reason, with a strong money making idea and now you aren’t able to concentrate on that plan because of your admin tasks. By hiring a Virtual Assistant you can get back to the main reason you start your business and what you’re good at. The little tasks can be completed and you can grow your business and make that money!

VA’s Are More Efficient

The business you’ve created is centred around your skillset or knowledge, which isn’t necessarily small task focused whereas Virtual Assistants have years of experience working specifically on those tasks. VA’s have found ways to make these task easier and the knowledge of how to get them actioned correctly and efficiently. 

Can be Multiskilled

VA’s can be utilised for more than just replying to emails (although that is a strongly utilised skill!) Virtual Assistants have marketing and design skills and the knowledge to keep your social media up to date with the latest trends. 

More Cost Effective 

Contracting out your work saves on the cost of hiring in an employee – you’ve got the taxes, benefits, insurances and, not forgetting, fully equipping the employee or even premises for them to work. Working with a VA enables you the ability to expand your business but in a risk-free and cost-effective way. 

Virtual Assistants love organisation and getting the admin tasks done – this is why we do what we do! Even if it’s just a temporary measure to get you back to an even keel with your To Do task it’s always worth your while to give it a try. 

Why work harder, when you can work smarter (and get someone else to do the boring jobs!)?


What traits and qualities should you look for in a Virtual Assistant?


How I became a virtual assistant.