Georgina Harrington Georgina Harrington

Tips to avoid burnout.

Constantly on the go and feeling tired, feeling the pressure of getting all your work done but no motivation to do or experiencing a lot of anxiety but not quite sure what about? Unfortunately, you may have ‘burnout’, but luckily this blog may be able to help!

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Georgina Harrington Georgina Harrington

5 ways to take control of your work-life balance.

With the world having changed drastically since the pandemic, working from home or becoming a solopreneur has increasingly blurred the lines between where your work life ends and your home life begins.

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Lewis Membery Lewis Membery

4 ways hiring a virtual assistant will save you money.

Owning a small business can be extremely challenging, you have clients / customers to keep satisfied, marketing and social media to keep up to date and all the little, menial tasks that just keep adding up! Sometimes it will feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day!

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Lewis Membery Lewis Membery

How I became a virtual assistant.

Now I have never been ambitious, I just wanted a happy, easy life doing whatever came my way. I have also always been someone who has prided themselves on being highly organised and prepared in my life, so when I came across the idea of working as a Virtual Assistant, it became a strong aspect of my future plans.

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